Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Subjects

Hi everyone. First of all, I would like to apologise to Sir Izuan because I have submit this blog lately. For the readers information, this semester I am taking 6 subjects and a co-curriculum for this semester. The subjects are Basic Islamic Economy (CTU 241), English for Academic Purpose (BEL 311), Third Language (BAB 101), Introduction to Statistics (QMT 216), Macroeconomics (ECO 211), Fundamentals of Finance (FIN 262) and Fire Brigade III (HBU 133). BEL 311, CTU241 and Co-curriculum are university requirement subjects. The BAB 101, QMT 216, ECO 211 and FIN 262 are faculty requirement subjects. For this semester my credit hours are 18 and my contact hours are 26. Now, I would like to introduce all of my subjects.

Firstly is Basic Islamic Economy. Code for this subject is CTU 241. This subject is teaches by Ustaz Nawawi. I am interesting to learn on how economy is related with Islamic law. Besides that, how Islamic will interpreted each unit measurement compared to the conventional way of doing business is also an excitement to learn this subject. The on-going assessment is 40% that divided by assignment for 15%, test 1 for 15% and quiz for 10%. The final paper will be 60%. Last week, my group receives topics for assignment that is research about some business book. I was so excited to receive this assignment. The credit hours is 2.0 and contact hours are 2.

Next, English for Academic Purpose and the code is BEL 311. This subject is teaching by Sir Izuan bin Ismail. He is a creative lecturer and understanding to his students. For this subject, I is so weak about English but I must have effort to success in this subject. I hope Sir Izuan is the right person to help me improve in English. The on-going assessment is 60% that divided by written assignment for 30% (pair work of outline-5%, first draft-10%, final draft-15%), speaking test 20% that must have group of four student, discuss on a problem solving situation, 5 minutes for preparation and 15-20 minutes for discussion. Then, attendance is 10% that will be punctuality, participation and timely submission of assignments. The final examinations have only 40%. The paper is in 3 hours and has part A for reading (20%) and part B for writing (20%). These carry marks will given by lecturer. The credit hours for this subject are 3.0 and contact hours are six.

Furthermore, I am taking Arabic language. In this University, we can choose either Arabic or Mandarin. I would like to choose Arabic because this is our Islamic language and Al-Quran Language. Besides that, I also have basics in Arabic language because I had study Arabic language about 5 years since form 1. In my course I have to take this subject for 2 semesters and this is the first semester for me. This subject is focusing in communication. My Arabic lecturer is Ustaz Syazali Effendi. He will tell any story before he starts his teaching. This makes his class interesting. He also likes to attack me in the class. I was so excited he teaches me in this subject. This subject did not have final paper but have final project. In this subject, the credit hours are 2.0 and the contact hours are 4.

In addition,I also studying about Introduction to Statistics (QMT 216). This course teaches by Miss Arfah binti Ahmad. She was the one woman lecturer in this semester. This subject is actually quite tough for me especially when I have to draw a graft. It's been a long time since my high school I didn't draw a graft. Most of seniors have says that many students has repeat this paper. That sentence is actually frightening me. But no worries I will aim to get A for this paper. To achieve that I must work harder to get what I want. Hopefully my dreams will come true. Miss Arfah also likes to attack me in the class. In this subject, the credit hours is 3.0 and the contact hours are 4.

Moreover, I also studying Macroeconomics (ECO 211) in this semester. This subject is about aggregate behaviour of the entire economy. Lecturer for this subject is Prof. Madya Abdullah bin Abdul Latib. For the physical appearance, he look very fierce and strict person but actually after we know him very well he is sporting and funny person because he always create a joke while teaching. He also has a lot of experienced in teaching subject Economics. I'm very glad and happy to be his student in this semester because the way he explained about the topics is very clear and easy to understand even though this subject is tough and hard to understand. Besides that, he also always makes a surprise quiz, so it make us always do a revision on this subject and be more prepared on his classes. In my opinion, I'm very lucky to get him as our lecturer because he has own style in teaching that will help me to score in this subject. For this subjects, the credit hours are 3.0 and contact hours are 4.

Next, the subject is Fundamentals of Finance (FIN262) that teaching by Mr. Syamsul bin Shamsudin. He is a good and nice lecturer. He is punctual person. For this subject, the assessment have test 1 (15%), test 2 (15%), participation (5%), assignment (5%) and final examination is 60%. The syllabus content has nine topics that is introduction, financial analysis, financing forecasting and planning. Then, working capital management, cash & marketable securities management, short term financing, long term financing, mathematics of finance and lastly is capital budgeting. This course is an introductory course and enables students to understand the basic concept of finance. The credit hours is 4.0 and a contact hour is four. This subject status is core.

Lastly, my co-curriculum subjects is Fire Brigade III (HBU 133). I was in this subjects still in my first semester. I know everything about this subjects. Before this I got A+ in this subject. By the way, I also commander and I lead my friends. This subject was teaches by fireman Bandar Putra, Segamat. I studying this subject only on Wednesday. The credit hours is 1.0 and contact hours are 2.

That’s all for this entry. See you in new topics.